TED Talk: 7 Beliefs that can silence women by Deepa Narayan
Women’s Empowerment is one of the TOS’ foremost causes, hence we are highly honoured to feature Deepa’s Ted Talk on our Newsletter. Of interest to TS/TOS members would be that Deepa is the daughter of former TS Vice President Surendra Narayan, and her mother was a former TOS India Director. Deepa Narayan is an international

TOS New Zealand – Annual Report
The TOS in New Zealand is doing very well and the majority of TS branches around New Zealand do some form of TOS activity; either sponsoring a child and/or supporting various projects and raising funds either locally or nationally. We continue to have strong support from the Section in NZ and high visibility in the

TOS Hungary – Annual Report
During the reported period, membership of MA-TESZ varied between 15-20, half of this fromamong members of the Hungarian Theosophical Society, the rest were volunteerssympathising with our objectives.

TOS Colombia – Annual Report
At the end of 2018 are performed the Meditative Dances, called “The White Night”, conducted by Charles Petersen, in which cultures around the world arehonoured in their spiritual essence. TOS Colombia AnnualReport2019 At the end of 2018 are performed the Meditative Dances, called “The WhiteNight”, conducted by Charles Petersen, in which cultures around the world

TOS Youth
The 3-day International Youth Conference, from 27th Dec to 29th Dec, was successfully completed, with a total of 35 participants from different parts of India and the world. The main topics covered in the session related to Human Re-generation and Meditation, which were divided into 4 sessions each day. The session included a mixture of

TOS International Annual Report by Nancy Secrest
The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) is present in 36 of the 59 countries where the TS is active. The TOS is headed by its ex-officio President, Tim Boyd, the President of the Theosophical Society (TS), and an International Secretary (IS), currently Nancy Secrets, appointed by the President.