Summary of the International TOS Plan of Action: 2008-2013

This plan of action has been developed through extensive international consultation with members to guide the work of the International TOS during the next five years. It will periodically be reviewed and amended during its lifespan. The work will be carried out by international teams of volunteers. In summary, the plan proposes action in eight main areas:1. Development of International TOS constitutional guidelines  These guidelines will outline the TOS’s foundations, purpose, structure, membership and relationship to the Theosophical Society. They are expected to be available in 2009, after consultation with and approval by the International President.2. Staffing International SecretariatIt is felt that a team is needed at international level to support the management of the TOS and the expansion of its work. Volunteers will be sought for particular roles such as assistant secretary, assistant editor of publications and translation coordinator.3. Increasing awareness of the TOS’s existence  The TOS is currently present in only half the countries where the TS is active. Much needs to be done to make Theosophists aware of the opportunity to participate in the TOS’s work and to start groups. As a first step, it is proposed to produce an introductory pamphlet ‘What is the TOS?’ and update the start-up kit for new TOS groups.4. Development of international TOS publicationsIn addition to the international magazine, The Service Link, several other communication strategies will be put in place: an international website, an international e-newsletter and a team of volunteer translators, particularly for languages within India.5. Increasing awareness of the nature of the TOS’s workThe main purpose of the TOS is to encourage members to take up the path of service to humanity and the planet.  Its mission is to offer:·         a framework in which individuals may work in self-selected lines of service for the relief of suffering and the uplifting of society;·         a framework in which the practical application of theosophical principles to issues of contemporary concern may be explored;·         a framework in which social action as spiritual practice is honoured, supported and nurtured. A group of volunteers will explore strategies and draft useful material to improve understanding about the nature and function of the TOS.6. Development of support materials for different lines of serviceVolunteers will be invited to develop programmes and resource materials on which local and national TOS leaders can draw in their work of facilitating service within the TOS, within the TS and by individual Theosophists.7. Skills development programmesAgain, volunteers will be invited to develop ‘how-to’ materials and workshop plans in two areas: to enhance the operation of their group and to support the inner transformational process involved in theosophical service.8. Development of financial management policy and procedures Some of the areas proposed for attention are:·         accountability processes about how funds donated from other countries are used and reported on;·         clear procedures for the channelling of funds for emergency relief;·         ways of transmitting money internationally (such as PayPal). 

4 thoughts on “Summary of the International TOS Plan of Action: 2008-2013”

  1. Very well written! The points discussed are highly relevant. For further exploration, check out: LEARN MORE. Keen to hear everyone’s opinions!

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