Divine Life Visualisation

The following technique, designed by Geoffrey Hodson, is described in
The Essence of Healin
, edited by Karen Shultz.

It is a personal or group healing meditation designed to restore the harmonious flow of the Divine Life through one’s whole nature. This Life, which is the vital energy of the Universe, is present everywhere in abundance.

Its steady and continuous flow through us maintains perfect health and strength. Illness is a sign that through lack of inner harmony, we are temporarily shut off from this universal supply of healing force. When we attain a state of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical harmony and accord, the Divine healing and vitalising power will flow freely through us, and we shall be whole.

To achieve this flow of spiritual energy, visualise the Divine Life as being everywhere present and as filling the upper air with its radiant and golden glow. Reach up towards it with all the power of your thought and will, aspiring ardently to become one with it, to embody it within yourself, so that it may flow freely through you, in the helping of the world.

Then you may dwell in thought upon the One as the Source of all power and life. Seek to realise Its presence and to lose yourself Therein. You may think of yourself as a chalice into which the Divine Life is poured, and as you aspire to at-one-ness with the Divine Life, the cup will increase in size, growing ever higher, into the inner worlds, where dwells the Healing Life.

Then think of the Divine Life in all its glowing splendour, as pouring down upon and into you in a torrent of vital force, filling the cup to overflowing and flooding your whole nature with its power. After dwelling for a time in silent realisation, this power may be directed outwards through your heart to heal the sorrows and sufferings of the world.

This meditation may safely be performed regularly, day by day, even many times a day, preferably at early morning, midday, and before retiring.

Gradually an automatic flow of healing life will be established in you, the aspirant, and you will then bear about with you, wherever you go, a healing and uplifting power of incalculable value to the world. Thus, as you tread your upward Path, you may heal and bless your fellow-beings.

 Love alone can unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them …
For it alone joins them by what is deepest in themselves.
All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of men and of the earth.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

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