Theosophical Order of Service International e-Newsletter en 52 – October 2019

Dear TS and TOS members and friends,

Attention! TOS Directors, Presidents and Coordinators, your annual reports for the year ending 30 September 2019 are now due to the International Secretary. Please send your annual report to before the end of October if you have not already done so. Your reports are so very important. We look forward to reading about all of the projects and programs you have been working on all year. Please remember to include pictures! (And send those separately via email so that they can be downloaded as photos.) They add so much to your reports. Highlights from your reports are included in Nancy’s report to the President each year, and then in his report to the convention. They may also be used in this TOS e-newsletter, and facts and pictures about what you are doing also make their way into the PowerPoint presentations that Nancy gives when travelling to various countries around the world. This lets people everywhere know what their fellow TOS members in different countries are doing. It can also give other groups ideas and inspiration for their own service work. So we can say that this makes sending in your reports a service in itself. And, speaking of service, please also tell us how we can better serve you by voicing your questions and concerns. We are here to help.

For those of you who are planning to come to the Annual TS Convention this year, please remember that it will take place at the Indian TS National Headquarters in Varanasi this year and not at Adyar . You can register on the TS-Adyar website. Did you know that there is a TOS Session within the Convention each year? This year we will have speakers from England and India on the theme, “TOS: Sowing Seeds of Divinity” and Nancy’s talk will include an update of TOS work around the world.

5 thoughts on “Theosophical Order of Service International e-Newsletter en 52 – October 2019”

  1. Great article! The clarity and depth of your explanation are commendable. For additional insights, visit: LEARN MORE. Looking forward to the community’s thoughts!

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