Theosophical Order of Service International -Newsletter EN 53 – January 2020

Unity of LifeTOS International Annual Report International Youth Conference – 2019 TOS Around the World: Colombia, Hungary and New Zealand TED Talk: 7 Beliefs that can silence women – Deepa Narayan Do We Have Your Group’s Updated Contact Info?

Dear TS and TOS members and friends,Thanks to everyone for their annual reports. We ended up hearing from 75% of our TOS countries which is pretty good according to people who study such things. We are aiming for 100% next year though. So expect to hear more from us, especially if you did not respond to the request for reports. Along that line p lease tell us how we can better serve you by voicing your questions and concerns. We are here to help. Write to: nancy.tosinternational@gmail.comThis past year ended in a flurry of activity, and the new year began the same way. International Secretary, Nancy Secrest, attended the Indo-Pacific Conference in November where she gave a presentation of TOS activity around the world entitled “TOS: Turning Darkness into Light”. (Much of it gleaned from your reports. Thank you for that.)After the presentation, TS/TOS President, Tim Boyd, asked “Where did you get all of those pictures?” And the reply was, of course, “from our members.” Nancy also received the usual comment. “I had no idea the TOS is doing so much.” This is the reason for giving such presentations. How will others know about the work of the TOS if we don’t tell them? And, with a “picture being worth 1,000 words,” as is commonly said. A PowerPoint presentation is a good way to introduce others to our work, and even let each other know what we are doing in our separate groups and countries. I invite you to try it in your own country when you visit individual groups or perhaps plan an event for the public.In December and early January, the TOS was well represented at the TS’s annual Convention, held this year in Varanasi, India. During the TOS Session, two speakers spoke about aspects of spreading theosophical thought as a part of service work, and Nancy gave a partial presentation of her annual report to the President.Currently, while at the annual Convention in New Zealand, Nancy will give a presentation of TOS work around the world entitled, “Annie Besant in the 21st Century”. If Annie Besant were fast forwarded to today’s world what would she think of how our work has progressed? How would she feel about the issues we face today? Have they changed? Has our approach changed? We would really be interested to know what you think about this.One approach that we are working on adding is the idea of being an NGO connected with the United Nations. This idea has been presented in the past, and for various reasons was not acted upon. Several interested members have come forward recently to work on this possibility. We would be interested in what you think about this and why. Do you have any expertise to add to this endeavour? Contact Nancy at nancy.tosinternational@ in service ,T he TOS tea m:David Sztain, EditorNancy Secrest, International Secretary/EditingRozi Ulics, Webmaster/EditingVicki Jerome, Proofreader

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. – Mark Twain

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