Chile Earthquakes – Can we help our brothers and sisters in Chile?

You will have heard about the recent earthquake in Chile and seen pictures of the devastation in the media.
What you may not have heard about is the major damage to the TS centre in Santiago. It was a very beautiful, but very old building with three floors. One of the photos below shows the front entrance, seemingly undamaged.

However, the 3rd floor completely collapsed and the second floor partially collapsed. While the ground floor seems almost untouched, it cannot be used without major restoration work to the entire building. This building IS (or was) the TS and TOS centre for Chile.

Thank goodness, all Chilean TS and TOS members are unhurt. However, while they are rebuilding their own homes and communities it is unlikely that they will have the resources to do anything about their TS building.
Would you like to help? The collection point will be the TS in America. There are three ways to donate:

  • The old fashioned way — If you have an American bank account, just send a cheque to
    Theosophical Society in America
    P.O. Box 270, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, USA (Be sure to write “TS Chile” in the memo line.)
  • On the internet — Both American residents and international donors can go to this page on the TS-USA website:
    Use any major credit card to donate using the TOS-in-USA’s secure PayPal account.
  • By electronic transfer — International donors can make a transfer directly from their account to the TS-USA account. For instructions on how to do this, contact Jeanne Proulx at
    with a copy to the TOS international secretary ( ).

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