Invitation to an International TOS Conference in July 2013

We are happy to remind you that the TS and TOS in America have kindly agreed to host a three-day international TOS Workers’ Conference from the evening of Tuesday 23 July to Friday 26 July, 2013 at Olcott, its national centre in Wheaton, Illinois.A five-day Summer National Gathering of the TS in America will take place immediately preceding the Conference, from 19 July to 23 July.  All are invited to attend this event as well. For more information and a registration form, please contact our International Secretary, Diana, at broad outline of the proposed Conference programme is below.
Tuesday 23 JulyConference openingProgramme overviewGetting to know each other betterWednesday 24 July“The TOS into the Future (1): What has been achieved in the past five years?”Keynote TalkChoice of workshops on essential skills and qualities for service workOrientation to the TOS’s international websiteThursday 25 July“The TOS into the Future (2): deciding our priorities”Keynote TalkChoice of workshopsRound table discussion: Rising to the challenges we face in our TOS workFriday 26 July“The TOS into the Future (3): commitments to action”Rising to the challenges we face in our TOS work (conclusion)Conference closing Wheaton HQThe entrance to the beautiful TS HQ estate at Wheaton, a leafy suburb on the outer edge of Chicago.

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