
Cynthis and Atma Trasi, Acting Chairs
Cynthia & Atma Trasi, Coordinator & Secretary
Flat 1, Charle Court, 30 Hampton Riad
Teddington TW11 0JT
E-mail: mla.gold@yahoo.co.uk
Copy to: isart.amta@gmail.com
Principal Activities:Members of TOS (UK) practise compassionate action by sending personal donations to the TOS and organising fund-raising activities on its behalf. As the humanitarian wing of the Theosophical Society, the TOS (UK) functions as a clearing house for a variety of small charities in the UK. It also functions as a channel for funds for the needy in India, where the TOS has many branches and members who have direct knowledge of the problems of poverty.The Officers of TOS (UK) are volunteers. We do not have any paid staff. Administrative costs are kept to the bare minimum and all donations and funds raised are channelled towards humanitarian work. Donations are welcomed from everyone, but we also have fundraising activities: there are a number of meetings and events at which the TOS has a table of items for sale, for example.We are especially involved in the ‘Teddies for Tragedies’ project. Very small children who have to go into hospital recover more quickly if they are given a teddy to cuddle, so we pass the teddies on to the organisers of this scheme. Since our involvement, over 6000 teddies have been shipped abroad! An item in the local papers in Bradford on the teddies along with a photograph of our TOS coordinator elicited offers from readers volunteering to knit, resulting in over 500 teddies ….and still going strong!To commemorate the Centenary of the TOS, we received a set of four beautiful posters produced by the TOS (Philippines), two on the work of our Founder, Dr Annie Besant, and two on the work of the TOS today. We have also produced bookmarks and a set of colourful A6 size greetings cards in 4 different designs incorporating the teddies. We invite you to visit our website www.tos-uk.org.uk to see the cards.A copy of the DVD, ‘Horizon of Hope’ illustrating the valuable work of the TOS in Chennai, India was sent to every branch of the Theosophical Society in England. Many branches have screened the DVD and discussed the work of the TOS.Ken Burton of Nottingham Branch has delivered 9 shoe boxes for 9 year old girls and boys, plus an extra large box with overflow items for the schoolteacher, for a school in Nairobi, Kenya. The money (over £400), was raised mainly from Ken’s connections with Lions Clubs and Neighbourhood Watch, together with a raffle held at the Nottingham TS.Whether you live in the UK or are just visiting, please get in touch. We welcome your participation in our work. Contact us if you want to join as a member, get involved in a fund raising activity or donate items for sale.

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