
Nonna-Nina Mäki
Nivanrinteenkatu 14,
33820 Tampere
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Volunteers of the fledgling TOS group in Helsinki.The TOS Finland was organised in 2008 by Marja Artamaa, with Ritva Lappi now head. The TOS Finland organises two major events each year: a celebratory concert and Christmas bazaar. Members of the TOS in Finland serve by making donations throughout the year which go to various causes including most recently the Adyar Social Welfare Center, the Olcott Memorial High School, and the HPB’s Boys’ Hostel.Our main projects is a children’s home started in southern Finland. It is based on theosophical values, though independent of the Theosophical Society. The principal organizer of the home is Mrs. Leena Jussila. The name of the project is LOP (Lasten Oma Polku = Children’s Own Path) and it is officially registered.The second project we are keen to support is the new Krishnamurti School started recently by Mr G. Gautama, 80 km south of Chennai in India. The approach to teaching applied in Krishnamurti schools is particularly constructive for young people, we feel, and in this school a slight variation of method will be applied. This is of great interest to us. The land has been chosen for the school. It is in a quiet location with lots of birds and the building plans (with classroom layout facilitating the new teaching approach) are ready. Our main goal is to help with the cost of installing an eco-friendly sanitary system.Within Finland, our activities coordinator is Mrs. Ritva Lappi but our international contact person is Ms Marja Artamaa. This means that if you wish to write to us, it is best to use both addresses. 

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