“We must beware of falling into the fatally common error of supposing that what we see is all there is to see.”
C.W. Leadbeater

Friends and members of the TOS have asked if we are collecting donations for relief work amongst the victims of the April 25 2015 earthquake in Nepal and its aftershocks. The TOS does not have a presence in this country so we suggest that you visit the website of Karuna-Schechen (http://karuna-shechen.org/), a highly respected organisation

A visit to Adyar
An account by our International Secretary, Nancy Secrest, about her visit to Adyar for the December 2014 International Convention and her pleasure in meeting many TOS members there I was awakened that first morning in Adyar by the chatting and singing of the many birds who make their homes in the trees of the HQ estate.

A conversation with Nancy Secrest
A conversation with Nancy Secrest In this conversation, Diana Dunningham Chapotin, the retiring International Secretary of the TOS chats with the newly appointed International Secretary, Nancy Secrest. Diana: A big thank you, Nancy, for accepting the challenge of coordinating the Theosophical Order of Service work around the world and every best wish to you from us all.

Welcome to our latest TOS Group – in Ukraine
On November 4 2013 the Theosophical Society in Ukraine became a Regional Association. It has Lodges in the cities of Kiev, Yalta, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Kirovograd. On the weekend of November 16-17, the TS held a conference at which it was decided to unite and coordinate under the name of the TOS, the humanitarian service

The TOS salutes Radha Burnier
The International President of the Theosophical Order of Service passed away on October 31, 2013, two weeks short of her 90th birthday. We honour her many decades of outstanding public and private work in the fields of education for the needy, preservation of the environment and animal welfare. We salute the courageous positions she took

Update on the International TOS Conference in 2013
Would you like to see the program for our three day international TOS Conference for active workers to be held at Olcott, the national centre of the TOS in America in Wheaton, Illinois from 23 July to 26 July, 2013? The Conference is preceded by a five-day Summer National Convention of the TS in America

Update on the International TOS Conference in 2013
.We are happy to remind you of the three-day international TOS Workers’ Conference to be held at the national centre of the TS in America in Wheaton, Illinois from the evening of Tuesday 23 July to the evening of Friday 26 July, 2013.A five-day Summer National Convention of the TS in America will take

State Bank of India support for TOS workin the Assam and Arunachal Region of India
There are currently about four million physically handicapped people in India. Countless families cannot afford even the simplest mobility aids for their handicapped child, a situation that affluent nations would consider scandalous for their own children. For the last nine years, the TOS in India has therefore maintained mobility aids as its national service project.

Invitation to an International TOS Conference in July 2013
We are happy to remind you that the TS and TOS in America have kindly agreed to host a three-day international TOS Workers’ Conference from the evening of Tuesday 23 July to Friday 26 July, 2013 at Olcott, its national centre in Wheaton, Illinois.A five-day Summer National Gathering of the TS in America will take

International Conference 2013
The International Theosophical Order of Service is happy to announce that the TOS and the TS in America have kindly agreed to host an international TOS conference at theNational Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE THEOSOPHICAL ORDER OF SERVICE The Theosophical Society in America National Headquarters,Wheaton, Illinois (Chicago) U.S.A.Wednesday July

Brochure documenting TS support for the United Nations
Brochure documenting TS support for the United NationsIn 2010, the international TOS formed a committee to make better known the historical role of the TS/TOS in supporting the work of the UN, and to explore and promote ways that the TOS can continue to support its work. The TOS United Nations Committee is chaired

TOS initiatives in Brazil
Andréa Dias de Mendonça Resende, who has recently replaced Regina Celi Medina Alves Silva as coordinator of the TOS in Brazil, has sent us news of two original and constructive initiatives in which the TOS and TS collaborated early this year. She writes: This year started with two important events for the TOS in Brazil.First we

Good news from the Philippines
Most of you will recall the international project that has been running for three years now through the good offices of the TOS in America to raise funds for the theosophically-oriented Golden Link College in the Philippines. It is thanks to a matching grant from the Kern Foundation that our donations are doubled each year.Recently,

Welcome to the TOS in Hungary
We extend a warm welcome to our youngest TOS group. It was started recently in Hungary under the coordination of Viktoria Toth and now Csilla Kiss. The group is a particularly interesting one in several respects.First, it came into being specifically to support the work of a new branch of the TS, called Forrás (meaning

Award of Subba Row Medal to Joy Mills
Award of Subba Row Medal to Joy MillsJoy Mills, one of the most outstanding teachers of theosophy the Theosophical Society has ever had in its ranks, has been awarded the Subba Row Medal by the General Council of the Society in recognition of her extensive contribution to Theosophical literature and understanding. We congratulate her

Kern Foundation offers to match donations to the Golden Link College in 2011
Building on the success of the last three years’ fundraising project, the Kern Foundation has offered up to US$20,000 to match donations to the Golden Link College in the Philippines in 2011. The superb response from within the USA and from TOS members around the world enabled John Kern’s and the Kern Foundation’s generosity to

Golden Link School- Successful fund-raising with the Kern Foundation
The end of the year brings great news. As a result of the generosity of TOS and TS members around the world, we have reached our target of US$20,000 in donations to the Golden Link College in the Philippines. Donations made through the TOS in America are eligible for the matching grant from the Kern

News: Bazaar at Rome World Congress
HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISING SALE For your pleasure, here are some photos taken at the handicraft bazaar organised by the Theosophical Society in Italy at its World Congress in Rome in mid-July. The sale was organised to raise funds for three projects of the Theosophical Order of Service – in India, Chile and Tanzania. It was

The TOS at the TS World Congress in Rome
We are happy to let you know that a TOS panel is included in the programme of this event. The overall theme of the Congress is “Universal brotherhood without distinctions: a road to awareness”. The theme of the TOS panel will be “Service as a road to awareness”. The speakers will be the Chairperson of the TOS

Chile Earthquakes – Can we help our brothers and sisters in Chile?
You will have heard about the recent earthquake in Chile and seen pictures of the devastation in the media.What you may not have heard about is the major damage to the TS centre in Santiago. It was a very beautiful, but very old building with three floors. One of the photos below shows the front

An invitation from the TOS in America to aid Haiti
On the evening of January 12, here in the USA we were just hearing the news about the severity of the earthquake in Haiti. By the next morning we were receiving emails from TOS groups and individual members all around the world wanting to know how they could help. At the outset it was clear

“The World Around Us” by Radha Burnier
A compilation of Radha Burnier’s On The Watchtower editorials from The Theosophist journal Media reports Express News Service (India)23 Nov 2009 CHENNAI: Observing that people today wasted time and technology in small and ridiculous things, while ignoring certain important things, Theosophical Society president Radha Burnier asked people to see life in plants and animals that exist around them. This

Caloocan City North, Metro Manila, Philippinesgoldenlink2002@gmail.com News and Developments July, 2009 College Department Opens with Two Education Courses The Golden Link School is now renamed Golden Link College with the opening of its modest college department with two course offerings: Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education. The first batch of college students

News of a visit to Africa
In April 2009, Mr Chaganti V.K. Maithreya and Dr Sunita Maithreya had the pleasure of visiting Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia in support of the work of the Theosophical Society, Theosophical Order of Service and Order of the Round Table. The 44th Convention of the East & Central African Section, together with the 2nd Conference

Kern Foundation offers to match donations to the Golden Link School in 2009
Following the enormous success of last year’s fundraising project, the Kern Foundation has offered up to US$20,000 to match donations to the Golden Link School in the Philippines in 2009. The superb response from within the USA and from TOS members around the world in 2008 raised US$39,613 and the Kern Foundation contributed US$35,000, making

World Congress 2010 – Rome, Italy
World Congress 2010 – Rome, ItalyThe dates of the next World Congress of the Theosophical Society have recently been announced.The Congress will be held in Rome from 10 to 15 July 2010 at the Summit Hotel and Convention Centre (address: via della Stazione Aurelia 99).The costs are 88 Euros per night for a shared room, 70 Euros

Golden Link School Appeal
Kern Foundation offers to match donations to Golden Link School The Golden Link School is an evolving educational effort, which since 2002 has been providing atransformational education for less privileged children. Many in the theosophical world regard it as a rare jewel – a model of Theosophy in action. While addressing core academic subjects, the school also