Irena Primc Kajuhova.ul.9 3000 CELJE E-mail: irenaprimc3@gmail.com Welcome to the national page of the TOS in Slovenia! The Theosophical Society and the Theosophical Order of Service work in an integrated and harmonious way in our country.  The TS has branches in the four largest cities in the country –  Ljubljana, Celje, Maribor, and Koper – and each branch has a TOS group with its own representative.We all work in friendly cooperation and with a joyful spirit! (Important features of service for us are this brotherly collaboration and also a spontaneous sense of duty to help others when it is within one’s power to assist – without a self-conscious sense of being a ‘helper’. When one is really open, really eager to help, then the work itself will appear. There is no need to search for it, we feel.)Our activities include the collection of materials for a shelter for injured wild animals, a regular meditation for peace, the donation of food to a soup kitchen, support of national Red Cross work for the unemployed, educational sponsorships for needy children and the channelling of donations to the Social Welfare Centre and the HPB Hostel at Adyar, Chennai, India. |